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Dashed lines

Drawing a Smart Shape dashed line

Moving, reshaping, or deleting a Smart Shape dashed line

Date stamps




Changing the distance between staves

Making all staves equidistant

Changing the distance between staff lines

Changing the distance between notes

Changing the clef, key, and meter distances


Document Styles


Dotted notes

Removing a dot from a note

Changing the position of all dots

Changing the position of a single dot

Undoing individual dot positioning

Double barlines

Double whole notes


Moving all downbeats graphically

Altering the key velocity of downbeats

Altering the attack points of downbeats

D.S., D.S. al Coda

Placing a (sign) marking into the score

Placing a “D.S.” marking into the score


Designing a dynamic marking

Inserting a dynamic marking into the score

Moving or delete a dynamic marking

Defining a dynamic marking for playback


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Finale 2014 for Windows

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