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To draw a Smart Shape dashed line

  1. Click the Smart Shape tool . The Smart Shape Palette appears.
  2. Click one of the dashed line tools. There are three predefined dashed-line tools: one with an upward hook at the end, one downward, and one with no hook. To create a custom line see Custom lines. (There is also a dashed curve tool.) To change the lengths of the dashes and spaces, select Smart Shape Options from the Smart Shape menu, and change the numbers in the Dash Length and Dash Space text boxes. If you’re creating an or marking, you’ll notice that there are Smart Shape tools specifically for these indications; click the appropriate tool. See 8va/8vb for more information.
  3. Position the cursor in the measure where you want the line to begin so that the cursor arrow points to the staff to which you’re attaching it.
  4. Double-click where the Smart Shape should begin; on the second click, hold the button down and drag to the right. Your double-click marks the beginning of the line; as you drag, you increase the line’s length. Release the mouse button when you’ve positioned the end of the line about where you want it.

Tip: To create a perfectly horizontal or vertical line, press shift before you double-click and keep it pressed while you drag. This constrains your dragging.



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