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To assign playback instruments (that will playback using SoundFonts), SmartMusic looks to the instrument assigned to each staff. It is particularly important to review the instrument assigned to each staff if you are generating a SmartMusic Accompaniment from an existing Finale file, and if the file was setup for playback with a MIDI device other than Finale’s SmartMusic SoftSynth. Remember, Finale playback with SmartMusic SoftSynth chosen as the playback device will match playback of the .SMPX accompaniment file when performed by SmartMusic.

To assign instruments for SmartMusic Accompaniments

  1. If you are playing through MIDI (MIDI/Audio > Play Finale Through MIDI), choose MIDI/Audio > MIDI Playback.
  2. For MIDI Out Device, choose SmartMusic SoftSynth and click OK.
  3. Choose Window > ScoreManager.
  4. Under the Device column, click the drop-down menu for each instrument and choose SmartMusic SoftSynth.

When you have finished assigning instruments, be sure to play the file to review your changes before saving.



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