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To define Slur System Break settings

  1. Click the Smart Shape tool . The Smart Shape menu appears.
  2. Choose Smart Shape > Smart Slur Options. The Smart Slur Options dialog box appears.
  3. Enter a number into the Avoid Staff Lines by at Least text box to specify the desired distance between the slur and the outside staff line closest to the slur.
  4. Enter a value into the System Start Adjustment and the System End Adjustment text boxes, specifying where the slur should start and end in each of the staff systems spanned by the slur.
  5. Click OK (or press ENTER) when you’re ready to save the new settings. Or click Reset at any time if you want to restore the original built-in settings.

Note: All slurs created from now on will use these settings for each system break. These settings also apply to end points of existing slurs (from one staff to the next), if the end point hasn’t been manually adjusted.



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