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Using your scanner's software to scan sheet music for Finale import

It is preferable to scan from the SmartScore scanning interface for several reasons: auto-resolution, auto-deskew, multi-page/single image file creation, grayscale thresholding, etc.

If you are using the SmartScore scanning interface and your scanner does not operate or you get a "Recognition Failed" message, you can bypass SmartScore:

  1. In SmartScore Lite, click Select Scanner and choose your scanner.
  2. Scan in grayscale at a resolution of 300 dpi.
  3. Save each page as a separate uncompressed TIFF file.

Now, follow the steps under To Import Scanned TIFF Files to import and translate the scanned documents.

Alternatively, you can use the scanning software associated with your scanner. Scan and save each page with the following recommendations:



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