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Rebar Options dialog box

How to get there

  1. Click the Selection tool ; select a region.
  2. Choose Utilities > Rebar > Rebar Options.

What it does

When you change the time signature of a score, use the Rebar command, or add too many notes to a measure, Finale can automatically redistribute the notes in your score so that each measure contains the proper number of beats. In this dialog box, you can specify how far you want Finale to go with this rebarring—all the way to the end of the piece, only to the next major section, and so on. (In the process, Finale adds or deletes measures as necessary. If there aren’t enough notes to fill the last measure before the stopping point, Finale adds enough rests to round out the measure.)

Note: If you didn’t select any of the check boxes, Finale will rebar your score all the way to the end of the piece whenever it’s asked to rebar (when you change the time signature, insert a partial measure, use the Rebar command, and so on).

See also:

Rebarring music

Time Signature



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