You are here: How do I... > M > Metronome markings > Creating a metronome marking

To create a metronome marking (such as )

  1. Click the Expression tool .
  2. Double-click above the measure to which you want to attach the marking. The Expression Selection dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Tempo Marks category.
  4. Click Create Tempo Mark. The Expression Designer dialog box appears.

Note: Use the Font drop-down menu to enter characters in the Text, Music, or Number Category Fonts. (Category Fonts are defined in the Category Designer dialog box.)

  1. Type any desired text (e.g. Allegro, Largo, etc). If you don’t need text prior to the metronome marking, skip this step.
  2. To insert a note, click Insert Note and select the desired duration from the drop-down menu.
  3. To tell Finale to automatically match playback to the number of beats per minute specified, click the Playback tab and check Match Playback to Metronome Marking Text.
  4. Click OK to return to the Expression Selection dialog box.



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