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Garritan Ambience dialog box

How to get there

  1. Choose MIDI/Audio > VST Banks & Effects.
  2. From the Effects drop-down menu for one bank of channels, choose Ambience Reverb, then click the adjacent Edit button.

What it does

Much in the same way as the acoustical space adds a great deal to a live musical performance, reverberation effects can impart a three-dimensional ambient sound to an instrument or group of instruments in Finale. Reverb can also improve the blend of an ensemble by providing a sense of space and effectively smoothing the sonic edges. Reverb is perhaps the most widely used audio effect; for example, the instrument patches contained in each Garritan sample library rely on reverb for a realistic sound.

Just as hardware synthesizers and softsynth plug-ins are designed to simulate musical instruments, Ambience allows you to simulate the reverberation of a cathedral, concert hall, and many other spaces. Ambience has a number of performing space presets from which to choose. These presets have been custom-made and it is recommended that you begin with these presets. You can also edit these presets or experiment with the various settings to customize the acoustical environment as needed.

See also:

ARIA Player



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