You are here: How do I... > F > Fretboard diagrams > Moving the fretboard diagrams up or down

To move the fretboard diagrams up or down

  1. Click the Chord tool . The Chord menu appears, and four small triangles appear at the left edge of the screen. These control the baseline of the chords (against which the bottom edges of the symbols line up).
  2. Choose Chord > Position Fretboards. You’ve just told Finale that the triangles should adjust the baseline for the diagrams instead of the textual chord symbols.
  3. Drag the triangle handles up or down. Drag the leftmost triangle to set the baseline for the entire piece. As you drag it, the other three triangles move with it.

Drag the second triangle up or down to set the baseline for this staff, all the way through the piece. As you drag it, the two triangles to its right move with it.

Drag the third triangle up or down to set the baseline for this staff, this system only. As you drag it, the rightmost triangle moves with it. Use this third triangle only in Page View (so you can see the system you’re affecting).

Dragging the rightmost triangle doesn’t move any existing fretboards; instead, it sets the position for the next one you enter.



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