You are here: What does this do... > Palettes, Tools, Menus, and Dialog Boxes > Dialog Boxes > Fretboard Styles dialog box

Fretboard Styles dialog box

How to get there

  1. Click the Chord tool . The Chord menu appears.
  2. Choose Chord > Manual Input, then click any note that doesn’t have a chord symbol attached.
  3. In the Chord Definition dialog box, click the Edit Styles button.
  4. If a note has a chord symbol attached, click the note to make the chord’s handle appear. Double-click the handle, then click the Edit Styles button.

What it does

In this dialog box you can fine-tune how Finale draws certain aspects of fretboard diagrams, such as how far apart to draw the strings or how much of the string to whiteout around numbers.

See also:

Chord Definition

Fretboard Editor



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