You are here: How do I... > C > Cue notes > Preventing attached lyrics and chord symbols from shrinking

When you shrink notes, Finale automatically shrinks anything attached to them proportionally—lyrics, articulations, and so on. Under some circumstances, you may not want these attached items to change size along with the notes.

To prevent attached lyrics from shrinking

Note: For lyrics, a simpler alternative to the method below is to specify a Fixed Size when you select a type size; see To set the font for lyrics globally.

  1. Enter the cue notes in Layer 2, 3, or 4. If you’ve already entered them in Layer 1, use the Edit > Move/Copy Layers to put them into another layer. If you’ve already attached the lyrics or other elements to the cue notes, remove them; you’ll be inserting them into a different layer.
  2. Enter normal-sized “dummy” notes in Layer 1. It makes no difference what the pitches are; in a moment, they’ll be invisible. Make sure they match the rhythm of the cue notes.
  3. Attach your lyrics or other markings to the dummy notes.
  4. Click the Staff tool .
  5. Choose Staff > Apply Staff Styles To > Score and Parts (or Current Part/Score).
  6. Select Blank Notation: Layer 1, and then click OK. The Blank Notation setting hides all notes in Layer 1, but preserves anything attached to them. In short, you now have cue notes in one layer (unaffected by the Blank Notation setting), and associated lyrics and markings at normal size in another layer—but they appear to be attached to the cue notes.



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