You are here: How do I... > C > Cross-staff notes > Restoring cross-staff notes to their source staff temporarily

At times, you may find your score easier to edit if all cross-staff notes are displayed on their original or “source” staves. With the following technique, you can tell Finale to restore them in this way temporarily; when you’re ready to print the score, you can tell Finale to display them once again on the “target” staves to which you dragged them.

To restore cross-staff notes to their source staff temporarily

  1. Choose Document > Document Options > Notes and Rests. The Rest options appear.
  2. Select Display Cross-Staff Notes in Original Staff (so that an X appears).
  3. Click OK (or press ENTER). When you want the cross-staff notes to return to their target staves, deselect Display Cross-staff Notes in Original Staff.
  4. Optional: uncheck Display Reverse Stemming in the Stems portion of the Document Options to return note to the “correct” side of their stems.



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