You are here: How do I... > C > Chord symbols > Editing or deleting a learned chord

To edit or delete a learned chord

  1. Click the Chord tool . The Chord menu appears.
  2. Choose Chord > Edit Learned Chords. The Edit Learned Chords dialog box appears.
  3. Click Find. Finale asks you to play the learned chord you want to edit. (If you prefer to locate the chord you want to edit by scrolling through the existing learned chords, click the Prev and Next buttons until it appears in the display.)
  4. Play the chord. If Finale recognizes what you played as a learned chord that it already knows, the corresponding chord symbol appears in the display. (If Finale doesn’t recognize the chord you played, it will tell you so, and offer you the option of adding it to its existing bank of learned chords.)
  5. To delete the chord, click Delete. To edit the chord symbol itself, click Edit to enter the Chord Definition dialog box.
  6. When you’re finished editing, click OK (or press ENTER).



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