You are here: How do I... > C > Chord symbols > Defining a chord symbol manually with MIDI data input

To define a chord symbol manually with MIDI input

  1. Click the Chord tool . The Chord menu appears.
  2. Choose Chord > Manual Input.
  3. Double-click the beat on which the chord symbol is to be centered. The Chord Definition dialog box appears.
  4. Click the Listen box at the top right side of the box. Play the root scale tone on your synthesizer. Finale automatically fills in the Root Scale Tone and Alteration text boxes for you.
  5. Click the second Listen button. Play the bass note on your synthesizer. If the bass note is different from the root, Finale fills in the Alternate Bass text boxes.
  6. Click the third Listen button. Play the rest of the chord on your synthesizer. Finale will only fill in the Suffix ID if it recognizes the suffix—in other words, if it matches a suffix definition in its Chord Suffix Library. (If no library has been loaded, or if Finale doesn’t find a match, nothing happens.)
  7. Click OK (or press ENTER).



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