You are here: How do I... > C > Chord symbols > Creating or load a Chord Suffix Library

Once you’ve created or edited chord suffixes (or taught Finale to recognize “learned chords”) in a document, you can save them in a separate library with its own title and icon on your hard disk. The next time you want to add chord symbols to a piece, you can load this library, thus saving yourself the time it would take to create or edit the chord symbols (or learned chords) again.

To create or load a Chord Suffix Library

  1. Choose File > Save Library. The Save Library dialog box appears.
  2. Click Chord Suffixes, and then click OK (or press ENTER). You’re then asked to title the new library.
  3. Type in a title and click OK (or press ENTER). The next time you want to add those chord symbols to a piece, simply load the library you just created (choose Load Library from the File menu) and enter chord symbols in the usual way.



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