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Beaming over rests

In normal circumstances, Finale doesn’t include rests in beam groups. However, you may prefer to have eighth-note (and smaller value) beams include rests on the outside of beam groups.


To globally beam over rests on the outside of beam groups

  1. From the Document menu, choose Document Options and select Beams. The Beam options appear.
  2. Select Extend Beams Over Edge Rests and Extend Secondary Beams Over Rests. Click OK (or press ENTER). This is a global option. You can, of course, override this beaming pattern in the usual way; see Beaming.

To create (or remove) half-stems on beamed rests

  1. From the Document menu, choose Document Options and select Beams. The Beam options appear.
  2. Select Display Half-stems for Beamed Rests. Click OK. To hide the half-stems, turn this option off. To adjust the position of the stems, see To change the position of the stem relative to its notehead.



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